Bending Gender Norms Vintage Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot

June 2, 2023

Kelsey Justice


In the words of the great Lizzo, “Bitch, say less, express yourself.”

The inspiration for this shoot was created from years of partaking in traditional weddings. While there is nothing wrong with traditional weddings, I sometimes feel like people chose traditional things because of societal pressure. As a wedding photographer, I have heard more times than I could count, “I wish I would have done things differently for my wedding.”

The most inspirational people in my life have been those who are unafraid to be authentically themselves. Kelsey and Max (the models in these pics) are that kind of people so I knew they would be the perfect fit for this.

Also, in case you didn’t know, gender norms are made-up and we are floating on a spinning rock, so as long as you aren’t hurting anyone, DO YOU fully and freely. Who says you can’t wear a suit as a bride or a skirt as a groom? Who says you can’t have neon florals and hot pink makeup? Who says you can’t create a bright, fun invitation suite and have a disco ball as big as a person?

I might have had a vision for this shoot, but even in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would be this freakin magical. The dream team went HARD for this. I was truly in awe.

Creative Director: @kelseyjusticephotography
Main Photographer: @kelseyjusticephotography
Second Photographer: @cajustice
Floral Design: @hothousedesignstudio@majerik
Wardrobe Styling: @bohovintagebham
Prop Stylists: @prophousebirmingham@majerik@kelseypurris@devconsteele
Hair: @hairbypaigegoodwin / @salonu
Models: Kelsey + Max @delicatesleeve
Make-up: @makaylaj044 / @salonu
Invitation Suite: @justicecreativeco

Location: PropHouse Birmingham